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AEIB skip (Furoma Rift)
You MUST collect at least 20 Enerchi to charge your droid (battery level 1) in order to ENTER THE PAGODA!
If you are outside the Pagoda, your HUD will display a warning message.
DO NOT arm NOG/RR/Master cheese & UC outside the Pagoda, this will result in FTAs & waste your resources.

EIB: Enerchi Induction base
AEIB: Attuned EIB
CR: catch rate
Frags: Battery fragments
Gmojo: Grand Master of the Dojo
NOG: Null Onyx Gorgonzola
NOnyx: Null onyx stone
RB branch: Rift blossom branch
RR: Rift Rumble
SS: Supreme Sensei
UC: Ultimate charm (100% CR)
UPC: Ultimate Power charm
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