Current meta (aka most efficient route)
Embark on this route to prioritise getting the Prestige base, this skips the Clockwork base.
If you do not have any Limited Edition (LE) rift traps, complete Grift before moving on to any other rifts. (Refer to 'No LE')
If you have Ultimate charms, the AEIB skip is highly recommended at steps 4 - 5.
If you are ranked Grand Duke & above, skip the Fracture base (unless you own the Rift base).
More details here on the Fracture skip.

Brift: Burroughs rift
Bwrift: Bristle Woods rift
Frift: Furoma rift
Grift: Gnawnia rift
Vrift: Valour rift
Wwrift: Whisker Woods rift
To buy the Prestige base, ensure that you have also completed the following adventures:
- King's Gauntlet
- Living/Twisted Garden
- Wwrift; if you did the Fracture skip
- Frift; if you did the AEIB skip
You would have fulfilled the other requirements by completing steps 1 - 7.
Catch rate estimator (CRE)