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No Limited Edition (LE)

Start here if you do not own an LE rift trap, this will help you to get your first rift trap.


Complete the Riftstalker set bonus first.


Riftwalker vs Riftstalker set bonus

Riftwalker: any rift (trap + base + charm) 

Riftstalker: Riftstalker codex + items above


Thereafter, do choose your preferred rift route.

(If you choose Alternative #2 at step 2, the order of steps 2 - 4 will vary a little.)


For those who have not unlocked Bwrift yet, if you intend to:

1) Buy MCL/MYNORCA, farm enough Rift Circuitry** with Crystal Tower in Brift first.

2) Continue using CT until getting Timesplit Dissonance Trap (TDT), there's no need to farm RC.

Do bear in mind that TDT has a points requirement, so you can only arm it if you have hit 1 billion points. 

Either way, continue hunting in Brift to complete the Brift adventure.

Thereafter, while keeping the mist level at 6 - 18 (green zone), hunt using Terre Ricotta, this will help with ranking up & gold.

Once you rank up to Grand Duke/Duchess, get the Riftstalker codex.

no LE.tif

Brift: Burroughs rift

Bwrift: Bristle Woods rift

Grift: Gnawnia rift

** At this stage, Rift Circuitry can only be farmed in Brift at mist levels 19 - 20.


You have two options for bait usage:

1) Brie String cheese: easy store-bought cheese but very low catch rate

2) Polluted Parmesan: higher catch rate & better for ranking up but need to farm PP potions

Catch rate estimator (CRE)

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Last updated: 28 Jan 2024

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