Alternative #1
Balanced path, embark if you need some time to cushion the gold pinch of the Gardens.​
If you have Ultimate charms, the AEIB skip is highly recommended at steps 4 - 5.

Brift: Burroughs rift
Bwrift: Bristle Woods rift
Frift: Furoma rift
Grift: Gnawnia rift
Vrift: Valour rift
Wwrift: Whisker Woods rift
Alternative #2
A painful path when working towards Enerchi Induction base (without Ultimate charms), embark if you are averse to the Gardens & want to delay it for as long as possible.
While hunting in Frift to get EIB, use your strongest base / LE rift base (which contributes to Riftstalker set bonus).
If you have Ultimate charms, the AEIB skip is highly recommended at steps 3 - 4.

Brift: Burroughs rift
Bwrift: Bristle Woods rift
Frift: Furoma rift
Grift: Gnawnia rift
Vrift: Valour rift
Wwrift: Whisker Woods rift