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Overview of Rift routes

Please refer to each linked page for details on your preferred route(:


1) Current meta

The most efficient way through the Rifts, where the priority is to get the Prestige base.

This route will skip the Clockwork base (CWB).


2) No LE

To help hunters without any Limited Edition (LE) rift traps get their first rift trap.


3) Traditional

The original way through the Rifts.

This route is not very popular these days but this is the scenic route! 


4) Alternatives

Two alternative paths through the Rifts which still enable you to pick up CWB along the way.


5) Prestige base

Provides details on a Prestige push.

Includes a table which states when the Prestige base outclasses other high-stat bases.

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Last updated: 28 Jan 2024

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