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Events (General Info)

MHCT Event timer: Countdown to start/end of event & no. of horns left



If the event has not been released yet:


1. Join MH Discord.


2. Locate the pre-event channel.

(e.g. #year-event-comingsoon)


3. Read the pinned posts.


4. Also read any pinned prep guides on Reddit based on the previous year's event.


5. If there are no pinned posts, look in: (#feedback-friday) & (#mh-lounge).


6. There may be chatter there about upcoming events that the Devs hinted in a Feedback Friday.


7. Be mindful that event information at this point is still subject to change.



If the event has been released:

1. Read the news post & check the game ticker.

2. Join MH Discord.

3. Locate the event channel (e.g. #2021-GWH).

4. Read the pinned posts.


You can expect to do something along these lines:


1. Equip highest luck setup & head to stockpile locations to gather event cheese (if any).


2. If it is a global event (i.e. participate from any location in the MH kingdom, no stockpiles):

- Check if there are any event mini games (e.g. brewing potions, collecting Easter eggs)

- Continue hunting as per normal


3. If your setup is really weak & you fail to catch most of the event mice, consider sitting it out for now & refer to General Advice.

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samulan [mhrnr]

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Last updated: 28 Jan 2024

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