In a nutshell, mapping on MH Discord primarily uses SB+ as a currency with 4 main roles:
1) Map captain ("Maptain"): usually the owns the map & facilitates the completion of the map
2) Sniper: receives SB+ from the Maptain for catching specific mice w/o staying for the map rewards
3) Helper: catches mice on the map & stays for the map rewards; may split the cost of the map/RMD with the Maptain & other helpers
4) Leecher: pays the Maptain SB+ for a map slot to get the rewards w/o having to catch any of the mice themselves
Before getting into the mapping scene on MH Discord, please read the guidelines stated in (#mapping-103).
It outlines the expectations of the various mapping roles in detail & has also compiled several tips/procedures which are in place should you face some issues whilst mapping.
Maptains might find this tool helpful with tracking map progress.
Below is a breakdown of how to navigate some of the mapping channels:
1. Join MH Discord, things move much faster here than on MH Reddit.
2. Follow the instructions in (#mapping-103).
3. Locate the search bar at the top right hand corner in MH Discord.
- Type 'in: [search term]'
- Select the appropriate channel (as below), always read the pins before posting
4. Looking for snipers/want to snipe:
- Go to (#map-snipers)
e.g. you want to know how much an Icewing mouse sniper costs in SB+

RTC: Ready To Catch; indicated for mice that take a long time to set up
Examples of such mice:
- Icewing & Deep (# hunts left?)
- Zokor bosses: SoBi, PWM & MFS (# guards left?)
- Zugzwang's Tower: TK, MK & CM (% amplifier?)
- Warmonger: WM/Monger (# wardens left?)
- M400 (Enough FF & at the catch M400 task)
- Absolute Acolyte: AA (# sand left?)
5. Want to buy a map or leech a map slot:
- Go to (#buying-maps-chests)

6. Want to sell a map or advertise a slot for map leechers/holders:
- Go to (#maptains-selling- filling)

For the channels listed in 5 & 6, you may choose to search in the "opposite" channel before posting.
For example:
- Before you post as a leecher in 5
- Check the listings for leechers in 6
- If there are available listings in 6, message that maptain directly instead of posting in 5
7. Looking for helpers/want to help:
- Go to (#map-helping-offers)

8. Looking for a map duster/want to dust a map:
- Go to (#map-dusting)

Rare maps must be dusted before maptains advertise them (i.e. find a duster before leechers).
Dusters essentially dust a map in exchange for a leech slot, so the duster is either refunded or tops up the difference between the current market rate of leeching the map and rare map dust (RMD).
e.g. Leech slot: 100 sb, RMD: 300 sb, so maptain will refund duster 300 - 100 = 200 sb
There are Facebook groups which also faciliate mapping (e.g. Mapmeisters) but are known to take a long time to approve new members.