Embark on this route if your gold reserves are healthy & you are mentally prepared to slog through the Gardens (Living + Twisted).
Be mindful that the Gardens are a gold sink!
You can consider the Alternative routes & return to the Gardens when you have more gold.
The order of steps 6 - 8 listed below are not too important & can be taken as concurrent goals.
If you have Ultimate charms, the AEIB skip is highly recommended at steps 6 - 7.
Historically, Grift was the only way to obtain your first rift trap: Crystal Tower; by hunting with your highest power setup.
(e.g. Monstrobot + OESB).
However, with LE rift traps & Hothouse base, Grift can be done whenever you fancy.
You will eventually need to go through Grift to acquire the Raw Rift Crystal to purchase the Rift Chronometer to access Vrift.

Brift: Burroughs rift
Bwrift: Bristle Woods rift
Frift: Furoma rift
Grift: Gnawnia rift
Vrift: Valour rift
Wwrift: Whisker Woods rift