Fracture skip
Grand Duke / Grand Duchess & above
If you already have the Rift base, you can still choose to get the CWB before PB.
This allows you to have the best possible rift setup (CWB + TDT) before entering Vrift.
Get CWB: Rift > Fracture + Fissure > CWB > PB
Skip CWB: Current strongest base > EIB + AEIB > PB
Make your comparisons on CRE first & decide if you'd like to spend a bit more time in Wwrift as the Fracture base & Fissure base are requirements for CWB.
Provided you have a decent CR in Wwrift, it won't take that long to loot the 5 Widow's Webs needed (Wwrift guide).
Should you have the Darkest Chocolate Bunny Trap (LE), raising the rage levels is even faster.
Furthermore, if it happens to be the Lunar New Year event (double/triple loot from lantern), you can cycle MBW with some Lactrodectus Lancashire cheese + 1 Taunting charm.
Below Grand Duke / Grand Duchess
If you're happy with your current CR (using strongest base/LE rift base), skip Fracture.
e.g. OESB > EIB + AEIB > PB
Otherwise, upon completion of the Wwrift adventure, you can buy Fracture.
If you were not using a LE rift base, this will grant the Riftwalker set bonus.
i.e. Fracture > EIB + AEIB > PB